Firebolt Geospatial Demo

i This AI-generated web application demonstrates Firebolt's geospatial capabilities using the US Accidents Dataset (2016-2023) from Kaggle, containing accident records across 49 states. The data is stored in the usaccidentdata table, where accident locations are represented using GEOGRAPHY data type in the start_location and end_location columns. You can find more details about how the data was processed in the GitHub repository.
i All query results are displayed in a table below. When the first column contains GeoJSON data, it will be visualized on the map. If there is a second column, its values will determine the colors of the markers on the map. Additionally, any GeoJSON or WKT geometries found in the query text will be shown on the map in red.

Polygon Query

i Selects all accidents with a start location within a polygon drawn on the map. Draw a polygon to define your area of interest.

Nearest Points

i Finds the nearest accident locations to a point you select on the map. Draw a point to find accidents closest to that location.

LineString Query

i Finds accidents within a specified distance from a line drawn on the map. Useful for finding accidents along a route or corridor.